This email solution leverages G Suite's performance alongside the affordability of ProXMail. G Suite, as we all know is probably the best and the most advanced email service offering. And also it is not the cheapest available email solution. We, at Pack Web Hosting, offer G Suite for Rs.210/- per month (plus taxes) for the basic G Suite account (email ID).. Therefore the yearly pricing of it comes to Rs.2520/- plus taxes.

The pricing of G Suite is considerably more compared to the ProXMail, which we offer as business email. The ProXMail plans start from Rs.1200/- (plus taxes) per year for 2 GB Space with unlimited email accounts. Now instead of choosing an either solutions - G Suite or ProXMail, we are offering you the best of the both worlds using G Suite's Split Delivery mechanism.

So what is Split Delivery? Split Delivery means that you can split email deliveries of the email sent to your domain between G Suite and an another email system like ProXMail. We would explain it by giving an example.
  • Lets say you require 10 email accounts
  • If you were to put every account on G Suite, that would cost you Rs.22800/- (plus taxes) yearly
  • We understand that Rs.22800/- (plus taxes) is a major expense. And it may be beyond your budget. But still you are keen that the 2 most important accounts of your organisation should run on G Suite.
  • Here comes Split Delivery to your rescue. You can have those 2 accounts on G Suite and the remaining 8 on ProXMail. If we were to do the re-calculation, 2 accounts on G Suite @ Rs.4560/ (plus taxes) yearly and the remaining 8 on ProXMail @ Rs.1200/- (plus taxes) yearly. Your total expense comes to Rs.5760 (plus taxes) yearly.
  • Hence you save Rs.17040/- (plus taxes)

Split delivery gives you the best of the both worlds - Performance and Savings. And the savings are even more if you have a requirement of higher number of accounts.

To learn more about this solution, please click here to send us your query, or call us at 81466-42977.
